E. 史蒂夫·达比

Recipient of the 2011 网赌平台奖

Judy Darby - accepting the 网赌平台奖 for E. 史蒂夫·达比
Judy Darby accepts the Exceptional Achievement Service Award posthumously on behalf of her husband, 史蒂夫·达比, on June 26 at the 2011 公约 in Denver, CO.

E. 史蒂夫·达比史蒂夫·达比 was a pioneer in the field of electric motor repair and his contributions to the electric motor service industry and his service to EASA are legendary.

Serving as an EASA volunteer, first as a chapter officer, 然后是区域主管, he later was elected International President (which we currently call chairman). He chaired and served on multiple committees, most particularly the Technical Services Committee for many years. Thus his dedication and commitment to EASA and its members were well known.

Darby’s contributions to our industry exemplify the notion of service. This commitment is evident in the nominating letters received.

For instance, one letter from a repair firm member read:

He pressed for high quality standards in our association, feeling that the trade would benefit by improving the image of its members. He never backed away from his convictions, which were bolstered by his firm’s methods and procedures, that standards should incorporate specific procedures and measurements, and that every effort should be made to make the necessary measurements and repairs to the standards we developed. He felt he got out far more from the organization than what he gave, and he certainly gave a lot. He was respected by Association members all around the U.S., and was a class act all the way. His reputation was an inspiration for all of us.

Another read nomination letter read:

During my time as EASA chairman, 他是我的导师, helping me to stay focused on servicing and expanding the advancement of educating our members and industry at large. He often called or sent e-mails of encouragement and support. His personal touch certainly influenced my perspective of true leadership and commitment to service.

And yet another letter read:

He showed me, by example, what it means to be a member of EASA. 他和蔼的态度, 他乐于助人, his intuitive entrepreneurial spirit all made me know that EASA was a group worth being a part of.


他还在, 直到今天, an iconic symbol of the ideals and fundamentals of our association and industry.