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EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

汤姆·毕晓普,P.E., EASA Senior Technical Support SpecialistTom Bishop is a senior technical support specialist with the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA). Bishop joined the EASA staff in 2002 with over 30 years of hands-on and engineering experience at electrical machinery manufacturing and apparatus service firms. He has a BS in Electrical Engineering and is a licensed professional engineer.

Bishop has authored dozens of technical articles and papers, and presented numerous seminars on electric motor application, 维护和修理. 除了, he is chairman of EASA’s Technical Services Committee and a principal member of the National Fire Protection Association Electrical Equipment Maintenance Committee (NFPA 70B).

EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

查克容, EASA Senior Technical Support SpecialistChuck Yung is a senior technical support specialist for the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) and has worked in the electrical machinery industry since 1974. 他于1998年加入欧洲航空安全局, and has hands-on winding and mechanical experience with AC and DC machines, 包括现场服务. young是IEEE的高级会员, and currently chairs the IEEE 1068 Standard for the Repair and Rewinding of Electric Motors for the Petroleum, Chemical and Process Industries as well as IEEE 2455 Recommended Practice for the Repair of DC Motors and Generators. He helped develop the new CSA 391 standard: Maintaining the Efficiency of Synchronous Machines. Yung has authored more than 150 technical articles and papers, 全球发布, including ten published in IEEE Industry Applications magazine. In 2017 he received the IEEE Outstanding Technical Contribution Award.


Mike Howell, 欧洲航空安全局技术支持专员

Mike Howell joined EASA's staff in 2012 and has worked in the electromechanical industry since 1995. 他的经历包括重新设计, 绝缘系统开发, 加速寿命试验, failure analysis and diagnostic testing. Howell has presented seminars and short courses on stator winding design for EPRI and others. He has a master’s degree in engineering and is a licensed professional engineer.

Howell is an active member of IEEE and participates in IEEE standards development. He is also a senior member of ASQ and is certified as an ASQ Six Sigma Black Belt, ASQ Quality Auditor and ASQ Quality Engineer. Howell also serves on a USNC Technical Advisory Group for rotating machinery.


卡洛斯·拉米雷斯, 欧洲航空安全局技术支持专员你好,Español.

卡洛斯·拉米雷斯, a degreed electrical engineer, joined the EASA staff in August 2018. 原产于哥伦比亚, Carlos has worked in the electromechanical repair industry for more than 25 years. He moved to Spain in 2007 and relocated to the United States (St. 路易斯,密苏里州). Carlos brings experience from his years of working with companies including Tecno-Eléctrico and Transformadores del Caribe in Colombia, 和塔列斯·蒙格, Santos Maquinaria Elétrica and Consultores Electro-mecánicos Asociados in Spain. Carlos previously served EASA as the primary translator of technical articles and documents.

网赌平台泵 & 振动专家

基因沃格尔, EASA泵 & 振动专家Before joining EASA as Pump and 振动专家, 吉恩·沃格尔经营着自己的生意, General Maintenance Equipment/Engineering, 公司. 沃豪分公司(加工工厂), 一个营销, service and training organization for industrial maintenance and related technologies. Among other courses, he taught a "Pumps and Pump Systems" seminar for American Trainco. He also has an extensive background in vibration and dynamic balancing, and chaired the St. 路易 Chapter of the Vibration Institute from 1993-2000.